今回紹介したい作品は 4 ページの短い漫画です。写真をパソコンで編集したものです。
The piece that I want to talk about this time is a short four page comic. I made it by manipulating photographs on the computer.
The flow of the creation process started with a meeting to come up with story ideas with myself, a friend who agreed to appear in the photos for the comic together with me, and my wife, who helped with the photography. We decided to make it a horror story. That was because at the time, I was temporarily very into horror movies. I was particularly overwhelmed with the tense atmosphere of Japanese horror movies. In America, my home country, "in-your-face" horror scenes have seemed to be the norm up until recently. But in contrast to this characteristic, Japanese horror movies tend to feature scary creatures that come at you slowly, but which can't be stopped. The chilling effect of this felt incredibly new to me.
今回の漫画の課題はその緊迫した雰囲気からヒントを得て、最後まで怖いところをあえて見せない方法でドキドキ感を作り出すことでした。ただ、あまりにも怖いものを作りたくなかったので、多少ふざけた気持ちも入れて、「軽いホラー」にしました。アイデアについて打ち合わせしたところ、子供たちの間でも人気な「誰かとお話していたら、あとでその人が実はその時点ではもう死んでいたことが分かる」というテーマをすることにしました。 |
Taking inspiration from this tense atmosphere, I wanted the comic to create a feeling of suspense using the method of holding off on showing the scary part until the end. But at the same time, I did not want to make something too scary, so I kind of made it a bit campy to create a "light horror" feel. In our meeting to discuss ideas, we struck on the theme of, "after talking to someone, you find out that that person was actually already dead at the time you were talking to them," which is popular even among kids.
In the meeting, the next thing we decided on was the flow of the story. After the overall flow was decided on, we took photos following that flow. Everyone pitched in taking photos. When the shooting stage was over, I input the photos into my computer using the digital camera. On the computer, I used a software called Flash to convert the photos into vector graphics using the same process I used for works that I have written about here previously. This conversion blurs the details in an attractive way and heightens the contrast. You could say that it gives a stained glass like effect (the colors are not nearly as bright as stained glass, however).
そのあと、フラッシュでセリフを写真の上に入れ、完成させました。コマのレイアウトを決める段階、セリフを考える段階、入力段階も含め、時間の都合でパソコン上の作業はすべて自分ですることになりました。全体の出来具合に関してはまだまだ満足ではありませんが、とても楽しいプロセスでした。仲間で遊んでいるうちになかなか悪くない短い漫画ができたという感じですね。打ち合わせから仕上げまでは 4 時間弱でした。また同じ方法で漫画を作成したいと思います。 |
After that, I input the text in Flash and added the finishing touches. In the interest of time, I wound up handling all of the computer work, including the steps of deciding on the layout of the panels, creating the script, and typing it in. There is a lot of room for improvement overall, but it was a really fun process. It felt like having fun with friends, and then all of a sudden we had a little complete comic story that is actually not too bad. It took a little under four hours from the meeting to the finishing touches. I really want to make more comics like this some time.
Following is the script and Japanese translation for the comic. I played the part of "Roger."
Page 1 (1 ページ目 )
Sound effect: Click
Sound effect: Chack
擬音語:チャック(鍵を回す音) |
Friend: Hey, Roger...
友達:おい、ロジャー …
Friend: Are you here?...
Friend: Dude, where the hell are you?
Page 2 (2 ページ目 )
Friend: wow... this place is a mess...
友達:うわ … ひどく散らかっているね …
Friend: Roger...
友達:ロジャー …
Roger: hey.
ロジャー:あ …
Roger: Do you want to... have a seat?
ロジャー:座る … かい?
Friend: yeah... but... dude...
友達:あ、そうか … だけどさ …
Roger: Do I look ok?
Roger: I want to make sure that I look ok...
ロジャー:見た目が変に見えないこと、気になるから …
Friend: yeah... dude... what are you talking about?
友達:いや … それは … とゆうか、何を言っているかさっぱり …
Friend: man, I've been calling you all day!
Friend: have you been here the whole time?
Page 3 ( 3 ページ目)
Roger: Are you going to sit down?
Friend: what? yeah...
Friend: so? where were you?
Friend: I waited across from the bank for an hour, dude.
Roger: I've been... on the sofa.
ロジャー:僕は … ずっと … ソファに …
Roger: But you DON'T want to look over there....
ロジャー:だけど、ソファを絶対見ない方がいいよ …
Friend: huh?
Page 4 (4 ページ目 )
Friend: the sofa?
Friend: oh my god...
友達:なんてこと …
Friend: Roger? what the hell?
Friend: Roger?...
友達:ロジャー? …
Narration: the end...?
ナレーション:終わり … ?
I self-published a comic book that includes this story, and you can order it at the following address (the website that handles the orders is entirely in English, and the comic ships from the USA, so the shipping fee might be a tad expensive).
アドレス (URL) : http://www.comixpress.com/store/index.php?main_page
漫画の題名 (comic book title) : "Hey! That's kinda CREEPY" (日本語にしますとこうなるかな:「ワー!そりゃちょいと怖いね!」)